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We Reclaimed Our Sanity, So Can You!

As a young family starting to find our way in the world we ran into disappointment after disappointment. None of those disappointments seemed to hit as hard as job loss. The bill collectors would hound my wife without showing any compassion or mercy. I would come home to find her crying in the middle of the day from all of the abuse she had just taken over the phone. Finally we just didn't answer the phone anymore. 

The stress and anxiety continued to build and we were finding no answers. I didn't know what we were going to do. We were on Welfare, WIC, Food stamps and Heap (a government heating program) we were about five months behind on our mortgage and foreclosure was right around the corner.

I know that you may think this is corny but we decided to put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Why? 

Let me tell you what happened. We never dreamed that this decision would help us financially  but we just wanted the inner peace that the Bible had described. We accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and when we made that true commitment in our hearts that he would be the Lord of our lives, things changed in a big way. 

There is such a difference between calling yourself a "Christian" and having a personal relationship with Christ. They are not even close to being the same.

Before I made this decision I read and researched the Bible like crazy and I found that the more I read the more I came to realize that the Bible was true and if anyone REALLY studied the Bible I don't know how anyone could come up with anything different. 

The people that criticize the bible are those who are ignorant of what the Bible says. Usually they are just people who have listened to others and not investigated for themselves. I do urge you to investigate for yourself. Don't believe me and don't believe your friends. You need to dig into the Bible and check it out so there is not a doubt in your mind.

Here is a good link to get started that will answer many basic questions like how do I know God's word is true and 10 reasons to believe in the existence of God.  Know why you believe    Don't even believe this website that I am recommending. When ever you read something check it out in the Bible. The Bible should be your ultimate authority. After your done investigating then check out this page Only one way to Heaven

If you have any questions just drop me a note at Bible Questions

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