The single largest expense for most computer users is their ISP "Internet Service Provider" you can
easily spend $300.00 plus per year for an internet provider. I have used most of them and their is no reason to continue to
pay $20 to $25 a month for a dial up internet provider like AOL and many others. If you need to cut expenses you should give
one of these providers a try. Both are very good, easy to use and are less than $10.00 per month. Stop wasting your money
and give one a try. You can always return to your high priced provider if you want to. Both of these providers also have a
free version that you might want to try out. I just don't like all of the advertising banners and pop up windows in the free
versions, they really seem to slow things down. Start saving money now with NetZero Platinum or Juno Platinum
The second largest expense for most computer users is the ink for their printers. There are a lot of
companies on the internet today that sell ink and laser cartridges for printers. If you surf the net at all I'm sure
that you have had POP up after POP up window trying to sell you ink cartridges.
The problem is how do you know the good from the bad vendors? I have several friends that have got
what they thought was a great deal just to find out the product either didn't work at all or it was super poor quality. NONE
have gotten their money back.
Here is a reputable dealer for your printing products they have sold over a million ink cartridges a year on the internet for the past five years. The products are excellent, I use them myself. I think the company name is
a little hokey "Mr. Ink Man" :o) but you will save from 50% to 75% off discount store prices. That's a really big savings
so it pays to plan ahead a little and order direct from the warehouse. Click Here For Mr Ink Man